Housing association CEO calls for political unity after King’s Speech building reforms

The chief executive of Bradford-based Manningham Housing Association has urged politicians from all parties to support more housebuilding following the announcement in today’s King’s Speech of proposed changes to planning laws and the introduction of housing targets to boost the delivery of new homes.

In a statement, Lee Bloomfield said: “The country has endured a deepening housing crisis for many years which has curtailed life chances and stunted economic progress in deprived communities.  

Lee Bloomfield

“Sadly, successive governments have backed away from their housebuilding commitments after encountering opposition either within their own ranks or from local pressure groups.

“I welcome the measures outlined in the King’s Speech aimed squarely at delivering the homes we need in Bradford, Keighley and elsewhere – but we have been here before.

“This time must be different which means Ministers sticking to their policy pledges and standing strong in the face of the inevitable challenges to new developments.

“That task will be greatly helped by politicians from all parties accepting the need to build new homes, rather than habitually opposing local housebuilding for political gain.”      

Founded in 1986, Manningham Housing Association manages more than 1,400 homes for over 6,000 residents in Bradford and Keighley.  Over 80 per cent of residents are of South Asian origin but the association proudly serves all of those in need.