Partnership event empowers West Yorkshire BME women to enter digital world

Leeds Media Centre has hosted a unique in-person event for underrepresented ethnic minority women in West Yorkshire keen to improve their digital skills.

Six influential female panellists share their personal digital journeys (from left to right): Olubunmi Fajuyigbe, Skill Her Up CIC; Jordan Dargue, Lifted Ventures; Paula Grizzard, She Business; Dally Kaur, Ideas That Work; Arifa Chakera, Crystal Change Consultancy; and Rebecca Padgett, Leeds University Business School

Delivered as part of Leeds Digital Festival 2024 by West Yorkshire Ethnic Minority Women in Tech in partnership with Unity Enterprise, the Yorkshire Asian Business Association (YABA), AD:VENTURE, Digital Enterprise, Transition Partners, The Coders Guild and Trust Leeds, the half-day gathering – titled ‘EmpowerHer: Digital Confidence’ - featured a series of presentations, panel debates, and question and sessions highlighting the support available in the region’s vibrant digital sector.   

Following an introduction from AD:VENTURE Marketing and Events Manager Daneile Moore, six influential female panellists - Olubunmi Fajuyigbe, Jordan Dargue, Paula Grizzard, Dally Kaur, Arifa Chakera and Rebecca Padgett - shared their personal digital journeys with the more than 30 attendees before opening the discussion to the floor.     

AD:VENTURE Marketing and Events Manager Daneile Moore welcomes attendees to ‘EmpowerHer: Digital Confidence’ at Leeds Media Centre

This was followed by a presentation on confidence building and transferrable skills by Faith Dada and Crispin Reed from The Coders Guild, and an outline of the work of Trust Leeds from its Chief Executive Liza Kellett.

The event concluded with words of thanks to all involved from YABA Director Satvir Meen, in advance of a networking lunch - giving everyone the chance to chat and connect.

Leeds Media Centre is one of three business centres operated by Unity Enterprise, the not for profit subsidiary company of BME housing association Unity Homes and Enterprise.

Cedric Boston, Unity Homes and Enterprise Chief Executive, said: “Our doors will always be open to initiatives designed to encourage women to fulfil their business potential, particularly those from a BME background who might not otherwise have that opportunity.

“Earlier this year, we were privileged to host the inaugural West Yorkshire Ethnic Minority Women in Tech roundtable at Leeds Media Centre.

“’EmpowerHer: Digital Confidence’ was an ideal forum for ethnic minority women in West Yorkshire wishing to progress in digital to connect with others and access the support needed to take that vital next step.”  

Sharon Jandu OBE, Unity Enterprise Chair, said: “I am proud of the role we play in partnership with so many other organisations regionally and nationally to provide pathways into entrepreneurship.

Trust Leeds Chief Executive Liza Kellett addresses the ‘EmpowerHer: Digital Confidence’ half-day event at Leeds Media Centre

“As founder of YABA, I am doubly delighted at the synergies we have been able to create by bringing a diverse mix of people together in the name of enterprise.

“With West Yorkshire Ethnic Minority Women in Tech in the lead, the focus of EmpowerHer: Digital Confidence’ was firmly on assisting BME women across the region into digital.

“Follow-up events are already being planned as we work to create pathways to flourish in this hugely important sector of the regional economy.” 

Daneile Moore said: “It was a wonderfully inspiring event with lots of interaction throughout the day.

“Ethnic minority women in Yorkshire, as elsewhere in the UK, face a complex intersection of challenges when it comes to accessing and participating in the tech and digital world.

“Working with our partners, we are determined to help them overcome these hurdles with the right business support services and professional advice.

“’EmpowerHer: Digital Confidence’ was a real triumph, evidenced by so much positive feedback, connections made, knowledge grown, and discussions had with women who felt confident in sharing their personal barriers in a safe environment.”