Today's Prime Minister's Questions shall be remembered mostly not for what happened on the floor of the House of Commons, but for goings-on above and close-by.

Overhead, George Clooney's wife (goes by the name of Amal) attracted the attention of hacks as she gazed down on proceedings from the Peers' Gallery.  She was apparently there to "highlight" the case of former Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed who is currently in prison. Not sure what for, but that's where he is.  Downing Street has since announced that David Cameron had a "brush-by" with Mrs Clooney afterwards.  Let's hope Mr Clooney doesn't find out.  

Meanwhile, a cavalcade of protesters in wheelchairs and mobility scooters attempted to storm the Chamber.   They weren't successful although, as I write this, half a dozen of them remain in Central Lobby shouting at police officers.  British democracy at its, well, most typical.

Back inside, there was little drama to report other than the bizarre spectacle of the Prime Minister shouting "FFS!" at the SNP's Angus Robertson.

Mr Cameron once admitted he thought "LOL" meant "Lots Of Love."

Today he claimed "FFS" stood for "Full Fiscal Shambles."