Ideas to strengthen national resilience exchanged at University of Manchester publication launch

Senior figures from local and national government, non-governmental organisations and business have met with leading academics from The University of Manchester to discuss a new publication which advances a series of solutions to bolster the UK’s national resilience.

Produced by the university’s policy engagement unit, Policy@Manchester, On Resilience presents academic thinking on an assortment of subjects including the pressing need for domestic low-carbon renewable energy sources, how AI can mitigate risks to food production, tackling water shortages, the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance, resilience in the national grid and sourcing critical mineral requirements.  

Professor Matthew Paterson addressing the On Resilience launch event organised by Policy@Manchester

Matthew Paterson, Professor of International Politics and Director of the Sustainable Consumption Institute (SCI) at The University of Manchester, told the gathering in Manchester Hall that On Resilience focuses on two key policy challenges associated with sustainability: energy transitions to address climate change, and food systems.   

He said: “The University of Manchester has very wide expertise on both these challenges, integrating natural science and social science expertise to provide additional insight.

“On energy, our expertise ranges from specific technologies – including nuclear, hydrogen, renewables and electricity grid systems - to broad social dynamics of transforming energy systems such as geopolitics, political economy, consumption practices, socio-technical systems and community action.”

Professor Paterson told guests that his own contribution to the 40-page report drew from ongoing SCI research on the impacts on climate action of COVID-19, inflation and the war in Ukraine.    

He said: “The broad picture is modestly optimistic, we argue, but is driven by political desires to disentangle from supply chains whose vulnerabilities have been exposed by these crises.”

The University of Manchester academic said “an underlying hunch” in On Resilience and “an interesting question for policymakers to think about” was that “most policy models assume that a decarbonisation or net zero process have nice, neat downward curves of fossil fuel energy and uptake of renewables.” 

He continued: “Of course, what the last four years should have told us is that if we look forward to 2050, there are going to be at least six more of those sorts of crises.   

“The question then becomes, in terms of resilience and achieving net zero, is how do we take advantage of those crises?

“How do we make sure that those crises become things that accelerate transformations and increase resilience rather than somehow be magical surprises that no one anticipated even though we know that they happen all the time?”  

On Resilience is available to read on the Policy@Manchester website.

New shipping climate change strategy can put wind in UK’s sails

Ministers must move quickly to publish an updated Clean Maritime Plan (CMP) so the UK can cut shipping emissions in line with the Paris Agreement.

Dr Simon Bullock

In a new article based on their research, Simon Bullock, Alice Larkin and James Mason from the Tyndall Centre at The University of Manchester warn that deep reductions in shipping emissions are required in this decade, and the current plan, released in 2019, “was strong on rhetorical ambition, but was comparatively light on supporting policy and targets, which were flagged as requiring development.”

They add: “The Government has suggested for some time that the CMP would be refreshed by the end of 2023, with the latest official update now stating that a new version will be published ‘as soon as possible.’  This CMP refresh is vital for the UK to drive down its shipping emissions.”

The academics highlight that the recently agreed International Maritime Organisation (IMO) strategy sets new ‘checkpoint’ and ‘strive’ targets for international shipping to cut its greenhouse gas emissions – their research compares these targets with the Paris agreement goal to limit global heating to 1.5°C.

Professor Alice Larkin

They write: “Our latest research concludes that the ‘checkpoint’ targets are not sufficient, but, under generous assumptions, the ‘strive’ targets of 30% reductions by 2030 and 80% by 2040 are compatible with the 1.5°C limit.  These strive targets should be considered a minimum level of ambition for the sector.  There is also an urgency to implementing these targets: any further delay in cutting emissions would push compatibility with 1.5°C out of reach.  Therefore, it is emissions cuts this decade that must be prioritised.”

In their article published by Policy@Manchester, Bullock, Larkin and Mason identify five headline criteria on which a successful Government strategy for reducing UK shipping emissions should be based.

These include “ambition” with stronger domestic emission targets than the global average, “scope” which the academics recommend should incorporate reductions in the UK’s international shipping emissions, and “economic instruments” such as tax cuts for cleaner energy sources.

Dr James Mason

Also “shore power” to reduce maritime pollution by allowing ships to plug-in while at berth, and “wind propulsion” including priority funding and policy support for investment in wind propulsion technology systems which their research shows can cut emissions by around 20%.

The University of Manchester experts conclude: “Tackling climate change is desperately urgent.  The new IMO targets set a clear direction – that the shipping sector must cut its emissions deeply and rapidly. The UK aspires to be a global leader in Clean Maritime – if its new CMP refresh can set clear targets for 2030, expand its coverage to include international emissions, put in place strong economic instruments, and support wind and shore power technologies, then the UK’s revamped maritime strategy would truly have wind in its sails.”

Climate change: navigating a clear route for UK shipping” by Simon Bullock, Alice Larkin and James Mason is available to read on the Policy@Manchester website.  

Shadow Minister discusses emissions and innovation during visit to University of Manchester

The Shadow Minister for Aviation and Maritime, Mike Kane MP, has visited The University of Manchester to meet academics leading research on the urgent need to reduce shipping emissions.

He also toured the site of ID Manchester, a joint venture between the University and Bruntwood SciTech, which will transform the North campus into an innovative £1.7 billion tech and science location.

Mr Kane, the Member of Parliament for Wythenshawe and Sale East, was briefed by Professor Alice Larkin and Dr Simon Bullock whose research sets out immediate actions required to cut shipping emissions by 34% to stay on course to achieve the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global heating to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels.

The discussions took place following Mr Kane’s comments in the House of Commons last month in which he expressed concerns that the Government is yet to publish a refreshed Clean Maritime Plan to drive down UK shipping emissions.

Following a meeting with Professor Richard Jones, the University’s Vice President for Civic Engagement, the Shadow Minister was shown around the nine-acre ID Manchester site and updated on the latest project plans by Tanya Graham, Head of Policy@Manchester, alongside Bradley Topps, Chief Commercial Officer, and Sam Darby, Development Director, of Bruntwood SciTech.

The initiative is set to create over 10,000 new jobs and bring significant economic, social and environmental benefits to the city including more than 2 million square feet of commercial and retail space, and over 1,500 homes.

Mike Kane MP, Shadow Minister for Aviation and Maritime (second from left) with (from left) Gina Van Mackelberg, Senior Marketing Manager, Bruntwood SciTech; Professor Richard Jones, Vice President for Civic Engagement, The University of Manchester; Sam Darby, Development Director, Bruntwood SciTech; and Bradley Topps, Chief Commercial Officer, Bruntwood SciTech.  

Professor Richard Jones said: “It was a pleasure to brief Mike on the numerous exciting initiatives The University of Manchester is currently involved in, and to hear his perspectives on the direction of public policy across a broad range of topics.

“Our ongoing research on shipping emissions is directly relevant to his brief as Shadow Minister for Aviation and Maritime and will inform debates nationally and internationally as policymakers strive to meet the 1.5°C Paris Agreement limit.

“We are also proud and excited to be working in partnership with Bruntwood SciTech to deliver ID Manchester, a place where offices, laboratories and creative studios will stand shoulder to shoulder with a world-class university to drive positive economic, social and environmental change.”

Mike Kane MP said: “I am grateful to Policy@Manchester for arranging such a fascinating visit.

“As a Manchester MP, I take great pride in the quality of research and teaching happening here. The work on shipping emissions, led by Professor Larkin and Dr Bullock, is of especially high quality and it was useful for me to drill down into their findings in my meeting with them.

“ID Manchester will have a transformative impact across the city region and far beyond, making a positive difference to the lives of entrepreneurs, students, professionals and families.

“Life continues to tough for many as the cost of living crisis endures, but better times for the people of Manchester lie ahead.”  

Manningham Housing Association achieves world first for diversity and inclusion

Manningham Housing Association (MHA) has become the first and only housing association in the world to achieve the global Standard for Diversity and Inclusion in HR Management.

Staff at Manningham Housing Association head office in Bradford

Awarded following an on-site assessment and discussions with employees and other stakeholders, ISO 30415 is an internationally recognised certification designed to promote diversity and inclusion within organisations.

In his final report, the independent assessor describes MHA – which manages more than 1,400 homes for over 6,000 residents in Bradford and Keighley - as “an exemplar organisation in respect of diversity and inclusion.” 

He writes: “Manningham Housing Association is truly reflective of the community it serves, and the various programmes/projects and events are all geared to improving the life prospects of residents/tenants be that in terms of skills development, health and wellbeing and job opportunities.”

The assessor pays warm tribute to MHA staff who, he says, “take a proactive role in supporting residents and tenants.”  

He continues: “The culture of the organisation is one where people feel valued, respected and treated as individuals.  People are proud to work for / be associated with the organisation and as a result often go the extra mile.”

He adds: “Manningham Housing Association is a values driven organisation and these are firmly embedded in the people management processes. Diversity and inclusion are deeply embedded in the DNA of the organisation, the values have not only endured over the decades and the sense of inclusion has increased as the organisation reaches out to wider communities.”

The assessor concludes: “MHA is an exceptional organisation, with everyone totally focused on enhancing the life of customers by providing good quality homes, maintaining existing homes, investing in the community, developing partnerships and, as the only BME landlord in Bradford, MHA has the leverage and standing within the city to become a lead voice for BME communities.”

Ulfat Hussain, MHA Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Operations

Commenting on the report, MHA Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Operations Ulfat Hussain said: “I am obviously delighted that we have been awarded ISO 30415 accreditation and to be informed by the independent assessor that MHA is the first housing association to receive it.

“As he recognises in his report, the MHA family is made up of a diverse range of individuals with our staff coming from backgrounds that reflect the communities we serve.

“The assessor also describes the feedback from staff, partners and service users throughout the assessment as extremely positive, highlighting the unique culture which has been created.

“I am incredibly proud of the outcome and pay tribute to everyone involved, with a special mention for Carolina Padovezi De Oliveira, our Corporate Project Manager, who ensured the whole assessment process ran smoothly.”  

Rupert Pometsey, MHA Chair

MHA Chair Rupert Pometsey said: “As someone who has been involved with Manningham Housing Association for more than 25 years, I regard this as a landmark moment.

“Our absolute commitment to our tenants and communities is only matched by a desire to ensure the needs and aspirations of our staff are met in a diverse and inclusive environment.

“The assessor’s report confirms that we are achieving these objectives.  It also sets MHA apart as the first housing association to be formally recognised in this way. 

“I congratulate everyone who contributed to such a remarkable result.”    

MP visits world leading graphene engineering facility at University of Manchester

Manchester Gorton MP Afzal Khan has visited The University of Manchester’s multi-million-pound engineering facility which provides industry-led development in graphene applications.

fzal Khan MP (left) with Professor James Baker, CEO of Graphene@Manchester

The Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC) helps companies progress and launch new technologies, products and processes that exploit the pioneering properties of graphene and other 2D materials.

Mr Khan was given a tour by Professor James Baker, CEO of Graphene@Manchester, and met with application managers and technical specialists engaged in the use of tangible samples and cutting-edge equipment that bring products and applications to life.

He also held informal discussions with Professor John Holden, the University’s Associate Vice President for Special Projects, and Professor Richard Curry, the Vice Dean of Research and Innovation.

To date, the GEIC has delivered more than 350 successful projects for over 200 companies and supported more than 50 spin outs.

Professor James Baker, CEO of Graphene@Manchester, said: “The University of Manchester is proud to be known as the home of graphene.  It is where it was first isolated by our researchers in 2004 and is the world’s first breakthrough 2D material.

“Through GEIC, we offer a dedicated translation centre that helps SMEs bridge the gap from lab to market - something that is not replicated anywhere else in UK academia.

“Our two-tier membership model also allows us to work on short feasibility projects, through to a long-term strategic partnership with multiple projects in different application areas.

“It was a pleasure to welcome Mr Khan to the centre to be briefed about some of the innovative work we are involved in, and to talk about our ongoing collaborations with major partners including the UAE and the Department for Business and Trade.”

Left to right: Professor Richard Curry, Afzal Khan MP, Professor James Baker and Professor John Holden at The University of Manchester’s Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre

Afzal Khan MP said: “The GEIC has a remarkable success rate in delivering new projects.

“It is a truly world class facility supported by experienced and knowledgeable applications engineers and internationally renowned academics, working across a broad range of novel technologies and applications.

“Everyone involved in establishing the centre’s enviable reputation deserves immense credit for what they have achieved.   

“I am grateful to the University’s policy engagement unit, Policy@Manchester, for arranging an especially informative visit and look forward to returning soon.”

2024 can be year of renewed hope for Bradford - Manningham Housing Association

The Chief Executive and Chair of Manningham Housing Association have said that 2024 can be “a year of renewed hope and expectation” for the district’s residents as Bradford prepares to become UK City of Culture 2025.

Lee Bloomfield

In a joint New Year message, Lee Bloomfield and Rupert Pometsey also spoke of their belief that, despite a “multitude of challenges” caused by the aftermath of the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, “the scent of a better future for Bradford and Keighley hangs in the air.”

They said: “The past 12 months have been incredibly difficult for individuals and families across Bradford district.

“Food and energy bills have rocketed, placing great pressures on people’s finances.

“New research from the University of Manchester recently found that the cost-of-living crisis is having a disproportionately damaging impact on older people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.

“This is something we, as a housing association with a high proportion of BAME residents, are acutely aware of and have tried to offer the best support we can.

“There can be no doubt that the people of Bradford district have been let down far too often by decision-makers in Whitehall and Westminster.

“We need many more affordable homes, better transport links and greater access to training and employment opportunities for people of all ages.  These were promised through the levelling-up agenda, but little has been delivered.

“Instead, schemes such as HS2 have been cancelled with resources directed back to London and the South East. 

Rupert Pometsey

“Despite the disappointments and multitude of challenges caused by the aftermath of the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, we believe the scent of a better future for Bradford and Keighley hangs in the air.

“With a General Election fast approaching, 2024 can be a year of renewed hope and expectation.  Politicians from all sides will be setting out their visions for a better Bradford district and, when voters make their choice, the winning candidates will be rightly held accountable for the promises they make.   

“This year also sees final preparations for Bradford becoming UK City of Culture 2025 which is expected to create almost 7,000 new jobs and grow the local economy by an estimated £389 million.

“It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the district and we are confident that local residents, businesses, voluntary groups and community-based organisations such as Manningham Housing Association will grab it with both hands.”    

Unity staff present Christmas appeal donations to Homeless Street Angels

Staff from housing association Unity Homes and Enterprise have visited the offices of Homeless Street Angels in Leeds to hand over clothes, food and other donations from their Christmas appeal.

Established in 2016, Homeless Street Angels work to get homeless people off the streets and into a stable environment.

Its volunteers provide support in various ways including the provision of food parcels, clothing and other essential items, together with practical help with housing applications and signposting towards housing, social care and healthcare treatment options.

The multi-award winning charity also hands out hot and cold food, clean clothes, toiletries and more to homeless people on the streets of Leeds every Thursday evening as part of its outreach activities.  

From right to left: Jolene Pickles, Rajesh Chaukria, Chris Whittaker and Shahzad Ahmed delivering donations from Unity’s Christmas appeal to the Homeless Street Angels in Leeds  

Cedric Boston, Unity Homes and Enterprise Chief Executive, said: “Each Christmas, our staff choose a different charity they would like our annual appeal to benefit, and this year Homeless Street Angels comfortably won the vote.

“Homelessness is a challenge nationally and regionally and, unfortunately, the number of people living on the streets of Leeds is on the increase.

“Since the pandemic, it has been very difficult for charities like Homeless Street Angels to receive funding as much of the existing council funding has been diverted to COVID relief and funding is still difficult to get.

“Unity is proud to support their work and hope our donations will help to give many homeless people in Leeds a better Christmas.”

From right to left: Shahzad Ahmed, Rajesh Chaukria and Chris Whittaker with Unity’s Christmas appeal donations to the Homeless Street Angels

Shelley Joyce, Co-founder and Director, Homeless Street Angels, said: “We are grateful to our friends at Unity Homes and Enterprise for their kind and generous donations which will make a real difference to our work in Leeds.   

“Christmas can be a challenging time for lots of people, but particularly for the homeless.

“Our volunteers do fantastic work to support them, not just at Christmas but all year round.

“The help of our partner organisations such as Unity means a lot to us and to those who we exist to help.”        

A fond farewell as Manningham Housing Association Chair steps down

The Chief Executive of Manningham Housing Association (MHA) has paid tribute to the Bradford-based organisation’s Chair, Barrington Billings, who is stepping down at the end of December after more than six and a half years in the role.

Mr Billings has more than three decades of experience in the housing sector and is currently Head of Asset Management and Development at Tuntum Housing Association in Nottingham.

He is a former President of the Chartered Institute of Housing.

Lee Bloomfield said Mr Billings has played “an absolutely pivotal role in enabling MHA to establish a reputation as one of the most forward-thinking housing associations in the country.”

He continued: “Barrington joined us in 2017 following a regulatory downgrade. We needed a leader who could bring strength in governance and a unique blend of experience in both housing and non-executive roles. Barrington emerged as the beacon we sought, providing us with the guidance and expertise needed to navigate through challenges and steer MHA towards success.

“Under his direction, we have achieved the highest possible gradings from the Regulator of Social Housing and become the first housing association to be officially accredited for our work in promoting equality, diversity and inclusion – alongside numerous other awards.”     

Mr Bloomfield added: “Barrington's journey with MHA has been marked by a dedication to excellence, an unwavering commitment to governance best practices, and a wealth of experience that has truly enriched our organisation.

“We cannot adequately express our gratitude for Barrington's dedication to MHA and the broader community. As we say farewell, we reflect on the positive impact he has had on our organisation and the countless lives touched by his leadership. His legacy of excellence, integrity and compassion will continue to inspire us in the years to come.”

Barrington Billings

Barrington Billings said: “Establishing our Community Investment Strategy and the range of community based initiatives that followed were proud highlights for me.

“Winning awards and accolades are always welcome, but these are merely recognitions of the critical grass roots work MHA have been doing in local communities.

“Of course, none of this success would have been possible without the solid and transformational leadership of our CEO Lee Bloomfield, Deputy CEO Ulfat Hussain and Director of Finance and Resources John Kent.  Lee and Ulfat have both been there from the start of my time as Chair and stood with me shoulder to shoulder in the challenging early days of putting our house in order.

“The success of MHA could not have happened without our staff, our tenants and customers. The Customer Panel, led by MHA tenant Cath Bacon, has also been instrumental in scrutinising, reviewing and improving the services we provide.”

He added: “I am delighted to be handing over the reins to Rupert Pometsey our current Vice-Chair, who I regard as one of the best in the country.

“I will leave knowing that the organisation is in great shape and in good hands, ensuring that the vision and legacy of its founding members - in providing excellent housing and related services to local communities - will endure.”

New report on the future of work attracts attention of UK parliamentarians

A new online report exploring the impact of the pandemic, an ageing workforce and new technology on work, and setting out evidence-led policy recommendations from University of Manchester researchers on the best way ahead has been positively received by MPs.

Published by the University’s policy engagement unit, Policy@Manchester, Working Futures is a collection of seven articles spanning a broad range of interrelated subject areas including equality at work, the need for greater support for those in frontline services, extending working lives for older employees and the implications of the digital revolution.

Working Futures from Policy@Manchester 

In her foreword, Naomi Clayton, Deputy Director at the Learning and Work Institute, highlights growing inequalities in the UK labour market alongside limited progression from low pay. 

She writes: “Policymakers should also explore how innovation and technological developments can be shaped, in part through regulation, to ensure as many workers benefit as possible.” 

Ms Clayton adds: “The contributions in this Policy@Manchester publication consider the policy implications of a range of these issues.  The articles consider the impact of changes in the labour market from a range of different perspectives – and, crucially, present evidence-led ideas about how we might address challenges and tackle inequalities.”

Stephen McPartland, the Conservative MP for Stevenage and a member of the All- Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on the Future of Work, welcomed the new report as an important contribution to building a deeper understanding of the challenges that are already shaping working life for millions across the country.

“Every single one of us is currently living through some of the most profound, rapid, and far-reaching changes in human history,” he commented. “Nowhere is that more apparent than in the nation’s workplaces. The new Working Futures report produced by University of Manchester researchers contains a wealth of robust, evidence-based research that can shape policy responses and help us prepare for a very different future.”

After reading the report, Kirsten Oswald, the Scottish National Party MP for East Renfrewshire and another member of the Future of Work APPG, expressed concerns that ongoing changes to the world of work could exacerbate inequalities that already exist.  

She continued: “Technology, AI, and changes in what consumers and society demand, coupled with the impact of COVID-19 on how we work, mean continued change is inevitable.  If we don’t want to risk increased polarisation and an explosion in low-wage high-turnover jobs, we need to act to secure the future of work in a way that will benefit society.”

Ms Oswald, her party’s spokesperson on Equalities and Women, also called for action from Ministers to hardwire equality into a rapidly changing workplace environment.     

“Wellbeing, fair work, flexibility, and the smart use of technology and AI across all job sectors are the way forward,” she said.  “That will require determined action from the government, and a willingness to let go of outmoded ideas about what work will look like.”

She added: “Positive change is not inevitable, but taking the steps to deliver structures to support a better working future will pay dividends across society.”

Working Futures is available to read on the Policy@Manchester website. 

Housing association enterprise head shortlisted for Yorkshire Leadership Awards

Adrian Green, the manager of not-for-profit company Unity Enterprise which promotes community-based entrepreneurship in Leeds, has been shortlisted for a Yorkshire Leadership Award.

He is one of five contenders in the Public and Third Sector category for the awards which “celebrate the people that are role models within their organisations and raise the bar for their competitors.”

Established as a not-for-profit subsidiary of BME-led housing association Unity Homes and Enterprise in 2000, Unity Enterprise provides 142 managed workspaces for more than 90 local businesses in three facilities – Unity Business Centre, Chapeltown Enterprise Centre and Leeds Media Centre – close to Leeds city centre.

The number of units increased in the summer of 2023 following the completion of a £1.8 million Leeds Media Centre redevelopment scheme, overseen by Mr Green in partnership with Leeds City Council and the European Regional Development Fund, which created 12 new business units and a bespoke business hub which is due to open shortly. 

Adrian Green

Mr Green, who joined Unity Enterprise in 2016, said: “I am deeply humbled to be shortlisted.

“Works to redevelop Leeds Media Centre began in the autumn of 2022, so I regard this recognition as acknowledgement of a year-long team effort that has delivered an outstanding community resource.

“My Unity Enterprise colleagues deserve immense credit for what has been achieved, together with our tenants who continued to trade throughout the construction phase without complaint.

“More than 900 people are now employed across our three business centres, all contributing to local economic wellbeing.

“With the new hi-tech business hub set to open its doors early in the New Year, exciting times lie ahead for aspiring entrepreneurs in the city.”


Cedric Boston, Unity Homes and Enterprise chief executive, said: “Unity Enterprise’s primary purpose is to encourage and support local people to become self-employed and build sustainable businesses which employ individuals from the local area and help to regenerate deprived neighbourhoods.  

“Adrian lives and breathes that mission and merits every bit of praise he receives.  

“The leadership he demonstrated throughout the pandemic, when he was able to keep all three business centres safely open even during periods of lockdown, was outstanding.

“His management of the Leeds Media Centre refurbishment has rightly strengthened his reputation even further.”

 The winners of the Yorkshire Leadership Awards 2024 will be announced on 21 March.

UK government action needed to minimise geopolitical risks to reaching net zero

The benefits to the UK of accelerating the move away from fossil fuels towards clean energy alternatives have been made stark by the invasion of Ukraine, a prominent University of Manchester academic has argued.

But, in an article published by Policy@Manchester, Professor Matthew Paterson warns that “the energy transition raises its own questions for future geopolitical dynamics and conflict.”

These include concerns over the availability of various critical minerals such as lithium, cobalt and copper which are crucial to clean energy transitions.  “They are central to wind and solar electricity technologies, as well as to the batteries essential for the electrification of transport,” he writes.  “The locations of these resources are already becoming the sites of intense geopolitical competition between major powers just as the location of oil, and more recently natural gas, have been since the early 20th century.”

Matthew Paterson, Professor of International Politics at The University of Manchester and Research Director of the Sustainable Consumption Institute

Professor Paterson highlights that even prior to rises in natural gas prices which started several months before the invasion of Ukraine, “it was already the case that solar and wind electricity were often substantially cheaper than gas and coal.”  

And whilst he is critical of “net zero sceptic politicians looking to undermine climate policy,” he accepts that there is “a kernel of truth” in their arguments around cost and the impacts on social inequalities.  He writes: “While a renewable energy system would be overall cheaper to run, and limit exposure to geopolitical risks at least in the oil and gas sectors, there are significant upfront costs. This is the case, for example, regarding installing heat pumps across around 22 million homes in the UK; switching from a petrol car to an electric vehicle (EV), although this cost differential is rapidly declining; creating a fully-fledged EV charging infrastructure; and updating the grid for a renewables-dominated system. How these are to be paid for, and who would immediately benefit, are crucial questions.”

The University of Manchester academic argues that more aggressive UK government climate policies have the potential “to play a significant role in improving energy security – both in terms of national security and in terms of the security of individual citizens.”  And he makes the case for a range of strategies and policies to counter the potential impact of future geopolitical dynamics and conflict.

These include new measures to reduce energy demand and help wean the UK economy off natural gas, “thus mitigating the price volatility induced by geopolitical crises.”  Also, a push to decarbonise housing through more heat pumps and the use of electric rather than gas cookers.

In transport, Professor Paterson proposes additional support to shift people’s habits away from private cars towards active travel and public transport, with the government also providing extra investment in road transport electrification.  

And he advocates the acceleration of domestic renewable electricity generation which, over the last 10 years, has focused largely on offshore wind “but there is significant untapped potential both for onshore wind and solar, which have largely been hampered by regulatory blockages that need reversing.”

Professor Paterson concludes: “These measures combined would keep the UK’s transition to net zero on course and enhance climate policy ambition, while focusing on those elements that minimise geopolitical risks – both from continued fossil fuel dependence, and from the new energy economy centred on renewables and electrification.”

Freedom energy: minimising geopolitical risks to reach net zero by Professor Matthew Paterson is available to read on the Policy@Manchester website.

University of Manchester wins Platinum Engage Watermark for public engagement excellence

The University of Manchester has been awarded a Platinum Watermark in recognition of its outstanding public engagement work.

The charter mark, granted to universities by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), follows a rigorous assessment process including a thorough examination of documentary evidence together with in-depth interviews and focus groups with staff, academics and project partners.  

Platinum is the highest of four levels of Engage Watermark.  It recognises “exceptional strategic leadership of public engagement, high standards of professional support and excellence in partnership working.”

Key features of The University of Manchester’s public engagement activities which drew particular praise from the assessors included efforts to open up the campus and cultural institutions to become more welcoming and accessible for community use, the involvement of partners and communities in shaping research, and a strong commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.

The University also has a dedicated policy engagement unity, Policy@Manchester, which connects researchers with public policymakers.

Professor Cecilia Wong

Professor Cecilia Wong, Academic Co-Director of Policy@Manchester, said: “Our highly professional team works alongside academics across the University to engage directly with politicians, officials, influencers and many others to feed into the policymaking process.  We also host regular events which are open to the public, ensuring that as many people as possible can actively engage with what we do.

“I am thrilled that the University’s public engagement activities have been rewarded with the Platinum Engage Watermark and feel immensely proud of Policy@Manchester’s role in this achievement.”    

Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell

Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Manchester, said: “As a passionate advocate for public engagement, I’m proud that we have embedded a culture of high-quality practice through our core goal of social responsibility. We are delighted to be recognised nationally with a prestigious Platinum Watermark for our sustained excellence and leadership in public engagement.”

Cllr Bev Craig, Leader of Manchester City Council and lead for Greater Manchester Combined Authority for Economy and Inclusive Growth, said: “I am proud that we have The University of Manchester as a civic partner. This award is great recognition for the University’s collaborative work with local communities, councils, business and civic partners to address to address real priorities and realise mutual benefit through the GM Civic University Agreement.”

Sophie Duncan, Co-director of the NCCPE, said: “At the NCCPE, as well as challenging the sector and campaigning for change, we champion excellent practice. We’re delighted to be able to award The University of Manchester a Platinum Engage Watermark for their sustained and deep-rooted commitment to public engagement, which has been informed by consultation with staff, students and partners.”

New defibrillators to support local community in Leeds

Three new defibrillators will be made available to the local community in Chapeltown near Leeds city centre by Unity Enterprise with support from the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC).

The devices, which are fully automated and provide simple voice prompts on how to use in the event of cardiac arrest, will be mounted on an external wall at each of the three business centres operated by Unity Enterprise – the not for profit subsidiary company of BME housing association Unity Homes and Enterprise - so they are accessible to the public 24 hours per day.

The defibrillator to be located at the recently refurbished Leeds Media Centre has been fully resourced by the DHSC’s £1 million Community Automated External Defibrillators Fund, created to increase the number of defibrillators in public places where they are most needed and to help save lives.

The devices at Unity Business Centre and Chapeltown Enterprise Centre have been jointly funded by the DHSC and Unity Enterprise. 

Collectively, the three centres provide more than 140 affordable units for over 80 diverse businesses which employ in excess of 900 people.   

Unity Homes and Enterprise chief executive Cedric Boston (left) and Unity Enterprise manager Adrian Green with the defibrillator to be installed at Leeds Media Centre

Adrian Green, Unity Enterprise manager, said: “We were thrilled that our funding applications were successful and thank the DHSC for its support.

“The fully automated nature of these defibrillators means that there are no official training requirements, which will provide confidence to users should that need arise.”     

Cedric Boston, Unity Homes and Enterprise chief executive, said: “As a community-based organisation, we are always keen to explore every avenue open to us to support local people in the Chapeltown area where we were founded and continue to be based.

“These devices should be invaluable in the unfortunate situation of someone going into cardiac arrest and we will do all we can to ensure surrounding neighbourhoods are aware of their presence.”  

 Sharon Jandu OBE, Unity Enterprise chair, said: “Chapeltown was my home for eight years and I still have family and many friends living there.

“As well as supporting local businesses, we exist to protect the wellbeing of local people.

“The new defibrillators are potential lifesavers, and we are proud to be playing our part in providing them.”

All three devices will be installed and ready for use early in the New Year.

National awards recognition for West Yorkshire housing association

Manningham Housing Association (MHA) has been shortlisted in two categories for the Housing Digital Innovation Awards 2024.

The BME-led organisation, which manages more than 1,400 affordable homes in Bradford and Keighley, is in the final running for the ‘Most Innovative Approach to Culture and Wellbeing’ prize as well as ‘Best Digital Experience (Landlords).’

MHA holds the highest achievable gradings from the Regulator of Social Housing and is the first housing association in the country to be officially accredited for its work in promoting equality, diversity and inclusion.

In partnership with the Housing Diversity Network, it recently organised a packed programme of activities for all staff to celebrate National Inclusion Week including communal lunches, themed group discussions and national dress days.

The association has also placed a strong emphasis on the benefits of technology and earlier this year published a three-year digital business strategy to provide a roadmap for the efficient and effective use of IT to further improve the quality of services for its customers and staff team.

MHA staff celebrating National Inclusion Week 2023

Lee Bloomfield, MHA Chief Executive, said: “I am incredibly proud of the team who have worked so hard to establish the reputation that puts Manningham Housing Association in the running for these prestigious awards.

“We are a relatively small organisation and to be competing with much bigger housing associations is a credit to each and every member of the MHA family.

“Creating and maintaining a warm, welcoming and supportive culture for tenants and staff is vitally important to the senior management team.

“Being recognised for our efforts in digital is also particularly pleasing, given the limited budgets we have.”       

Rupert Pometsey, MHA Chair, said: “This is wonderful news for everyone involved with Manningham Housing Association.

“The dedication to excellence from staff at every level is a source of inspiration for the board.

“No one at MHA settles for second best, which is why we seek to push the boundaries in lots of different areas of activity including digital.

“This is an approach we will remain resolutely committed to.”        

The winners of the Housing Digital Innovation Awards 2024 will be announced in a ceremony at Edgbaston Stadium in Birmingham on Thursday 8 February.  

Sleep crisis in North West discussed in Westminster and University of Manchester

The University of Manchester has co-hosted a high profile gathering of parliamentarians and sleep specialists to examine the problem of sleep disorders in the North West, which a recent SIMBA survey identified as the most sleep-deprived region in the country with more than 74% of people having less than seven hours of sleep per night.

Organised by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Sleep with support from Policy@Manchester, the hybrid event attended by politicians, clinicians, employers, trade unions and others took place in Portcullis House in Westminster and at The University of Manchester’s Oxford Road campus.

Professor Martie van Tongeren (right) and Professor Pierluigi Cocco addressing the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Sleep meeting at The University of Manchester

The meeting concluded with agreement on a five-point action plan for the North West which includes calls for improved access to cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTi) for first line treatment, better public information on the types of sleep disorders and their prevention, and greater access for clinicians to sleep treatment and management options for their patients.

The impressive line-up of speakers included two leading academics from The University of Manchester - Pierluigi Cocco, Professor of Occupational Medicine, and Martie van Tongeren, Professor of Occupational and Environmental Health.

Their remarks included reflections on the how challenging working conditions such as night shifts, prolonged working hours and a “conflicting work environment” can impair sleep quality and quantity.

And they warned that sleep deprivation can harm cognitive performance, cause daytime drowsiness and negatively affect productivity.  

Professor Pierluigi Cocco said: “We're not going to change the 24/7 society.  Instead, we aim to suggest strategies to promote adaptation to it. 

“These may include flexibility in shift schedules, the use of a dynamic indoor illumination to maximise melatonin inhibition during working hours, the possibility of taking short naps during a night shift and providing helpful information about sleep hygiene to employees.”

Professor Martie van Tongeren said: “Sleep quality is not just affecting our work and productivity, work can also have an important impact on sleep quality and duration. Work-related stress and shift work are major contributors to sleep problems, and we need to improve our understanding on how to adapt the way we work to encourage good sleep.

“With the Centre for Biological Timing and the Thomas Ashton Institute at The University of Manchester, we have developed a novel light sensor to investigate light patterns during the day and the impact that this has on sleep and levels of fatigue. We were pleased to be able to share this research with the members of the APPG.”

Jim Shannon MP, Chair of the APPG for Sleep, said: “Sleep disorders are all too common right across the United Kingdom, but the problem is particularly prevalent in the North West of England which is why this meeting was so useful.

“The experts taking part in our wide-ranging discussion were incredibly impressive including Professor Pierluigi Cocco and Professor Martie Van Tongeren from The University of Manchester which has produced some really valuable research in this important subject area.

“Their insights on the potential for shift work to become a major contributor to chronic insomnia - therefore impacting on the ability to work - were particularly informative. 

“They also made a number of clear policy recommendations for employers and unions to help improve the situation, which I hope will be acted upon.”      

Proposed changes to donor anonymity laws risk increasing unfairness

New proposals to change the law protecting the anonymity of sperm and egg donors in the UK “would increase inconsistency and arguably unfairness” for many donor-conceived people, two experts in the field have warned.

Last month, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) proposed amending legislation to enable the removal of donor anonymity from the birth of a donor-conceived child.

Dr Lucy Frith

In their piece, published by The University of Manchester’s policy engagement unit Policy@Manchester, Dr Caroline Redhead and Dr Lucy Frith argue that donor-conceived people already have significantly different rights to information about their sperm or egg donor - depending on the date of their conception - and the law change recommended by the HFEA would increase these inconsistencies.

The ConnecteDNA research team, led by Dr Frith, is examining the use of direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTCGT) by donor-conceived adults, donors and parents of donor-conceived people.

The academics write: “The HFEA has concluded that the integrity of the current legislative framework has been undermined by the impact of DTCGT.  It has therefore proposed that the law should be amended to make donors identifiable from the birth of any child born from their donation.”

Currently, they explain, those conceived by donors who donated before April 2005 have no access to identifying information about their donor. Those conceived after this date can apply for it only when they become adults.  Further: “The HFEA has not recommended a retrospective change in the law. This means that people born from donations made before 1 April 2005 will still have no legal route to access identifying information about their donor.”

Dr Redhead and Dr Frith observe that the HFEA’s Legislative Reform Advisory Group proposed consideration of the retrospective removal of donor anonymity. “This approach was taken in Victoria, Australia, where, in 2017, a reformed law granted all donor-conceived individuals the right to access identifying information about their donor, irrespective of when they were conceived,” they write.  “If the UK were to adopt a similar approach, addressing the practical implications for individuals conceived before the HFEA register’s establishment would be necessary.”

They continue: "The ConnecteDNA study has found that connections with donor siblings can be equally or more important to donor-conceived people. The desire to connect with same-donor families and siblings during a donor-conceived person’s childhood is a key driver for the use of DTCGT by parents of donor-conceived children.”

Dr Caroline Redhead

The academics point out that the HFEA’s Donor Sibling Link service (DSL) allows donor siblings to exchange contact details from the age of 18 by mutual consent.  They add: “Noting the importance to our participants of connections with donor siblings, we recommend that the Government consider reducing the age of access to the DSL.”

The University of Manchester experts conclude: “We recommend that a Law Commission project is established to explore how best to manage donor information in the UK, balancing the interests of donors, parents by donor conception and donor-conceived people, whatever the date of their conception. The UK Government should consider any findings and recommendations from this when reviewing further legislation or reform.”

‘Reforming UK fertility legislation: the effects of online DNA testing,’ by Dr Caroline Redhead and Dr Lucy Frith is available to read on the Policy@Manchester website.

Manningham Housing Association is top of the bots

Manningham Housing Association (MHA) has launched a new WhatsApp bot to boost around the clock assistance for tenants.

The application is designed to answer common questions relating to MHA's services including rent payments, maintenance requests and other tenant support via a real-time automated conversational experience.

It will also provide useful information about the association’s properties and surrounding neighbourhoods in Bradford and Keighley where most of its more than 1,400 affordable homes are located.

In addition to the WhatsApp bot, MHA is also introducing a new HR system with an accompanying app which will enable staff to book annual leave, claim their expenses, update personal payment details and access discount opportunities.  

The launch of the bot and app mark the latest stage in the rollout of MHA’s digital business strategy which represents a roadmap for the efficient and effective use of technology internally and externally over the next three years.

Carolina Padovezi de Oliveira, MHA Corporate Project Manager, said: “We are committed to providing our customers and colleagues with the best possible services.

“The launch of the WhatsApp bot and app are all part of MHA's ongoing efforts to improve our digital services and make it easier for people to interact with the organisation.

“The new HR system is user-friendly and efficient, helping MHA staff to manage their work-life balance.”

Carolina Padovezi de Oliveira, MHA Corporate Project Manager (centre), with staff colleagues at the association’s Bradford head office   

Lee Bloomfield, MHA Chief Executive, said: “We are excited to be introducing these transformative initiatives, which demonstrate MHA's continuous commitment to enhancing our digital offerings. 

“This also extends to website redesigning and the creation of a sleek, modern logo, to encourage even more people to engage with our organisation.

“Despite being a small housing association, we have established a reputation for punching well above our weight – not least in our desire to embrace the opportunities presented by the digital revolution.”   

Rupert Pometsey, MHA Chair, said: “Our digital business strategy, which the board was pleased to approve in the summer, incorporates four clear policy goals focused on innovation, efficient data use, minimising risks and digital inclusion.

“Running through them is an absolute commitment to use the best available technology to provide high quality services and support for our tenants and staff.

“We believe these latest advances will enable us to deliver even more for the betterment of the MHA family.”    

MP visits revolutionary bioprinting facility at University of Manchester

Academics from across The University of Manchester have today (Friday) hosted Bolton West MP Chris Green on an extended visit including a tour of the Bioprinting Technology Platform (BTP), a specialist national facility which houses the latest technology in 3D human tissue printing.

With support from the Henry Royce Institute, the UK’s national centre for research and innovation for advanced materials, the lab gives researchers and industry access to the complete fabrication pipeline from cell culturing to product evaluation.

Funded by a £200,000 grant from the UK Space Agency and assisted by the European Space Agency, a University of Manchester team are currently investigating how to optimise the bioprinting process for conditions experienced in space, such as lack of gravity.

Using the unique capabilities of the BTP, researchers are also collaborating with clinicians and cell biologists to develop 3D models of human cartilage and bone.

Mr Green, who before entering Parliament spent almost two decades working as an engineer in the mass spectrometry industry, began his trip at the Dalton Nuclear Institute - the most advanced nuclear research capability in UK academia - where he was briefed on current projects by Professor Adrian Bull MBE, Chair in Nuclear Energy and Society. 

The Bolton West MP’s final destination on the visit, organised by the University’s policy engagement unit Policy@Manchester, was the Justice Hub to join a health-themed roundtable discussion with senior academics including Dr Philip Drake, Dr Jennifer Voorhees and Dr Jonathan Hammond.   

Bolton West MP Chris Green (right) visiting the Bioprinting Technology Platform with Dr Ian Wimpenny, Research and Facilities Manager

Professor Richard Jones, Vice President for Civic Engagement and Innovation at The University of Manchester, said: “It was a pleasure to welcome Chris and give him an insight into some of the pioneering work we do in partnership with businesses right across Greater Manchester.

“The University of Manchester's cutting-edge research in making a real difference in tackling pressing policy challenges.  That's why it is important for influencers of policy, including MPs across Greater Manchester, to see at first-hand the work being done and to take that evidence back with them to Westminster. 

“This was a particularly timely visit as the Chancellor announced a new investment zone for Greater Manchester in the recent Autumn Statement which will give further impetus to the work we do on innovation, advanced materials and manufacturing with our partners in the city-region."

Chris Green MP said: “It was a fascinating morning.

“The University of Manchester has a thoroughly merited global reputation for research excellence across a vast swathe of subject areas, not least in technology, innovation and health.

“I was deeply impressed by all I saw and heard, particularly in the Bioprinting Technology Platform where the remarkable work going on places Greater Manchester firmly at the forefront of the medical engineering revolution.

“I look forward to following the many exciting research projects happening across the University, with lots more in development.”          

New research uncovers the unequal impact of the cost-of-living crisis on BAME citizens

The cost-of-living crisis is having an unequal effect on different groups within the older population with those from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds disproportionately affected, an article from University of Manchester academics has revealed.

Dr Camilla Lewis

Drawing on new research they have produced in collaboration with the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group, the Manchester BME Network and the Centre for Ageing Better, Dr Camilla Lewis, Dr Sophie Yarker and Professor Christopher Phillipson put forward a series of policy recommendations aimed at rectifying the imbalance.

Writing on the Policy@Manchester website, they highlight that, despite comprising only around 15% of the population in the UK, more than a quarter (26%) of those in ‘deep poverty’ – defined as more than 50% below the poverty line - are of BAME origin.  

And their research indicates that the cost-of-living crisis has had a disproportionate impact on older BAME people.  “Existing inequalities place minority ethnic groups at heightened risk from the effects of high inflation and associated pressures,” they write. “These include the long-term impact of the pandemic, housing insecurity, the rising price of imported food, racism and discrimination, and language barriers resulting in limited access to services.”

With diversity in the UK population continuing to grow, the research team’s final report, includes several policy suggestions for local, regional and national decision-makers to consider.

Dr Sophie Yarker

First, as Lewis, Yarker and Phillipson explain in their piece, more action is needed to increase awareness of the ways the cost-of-living crisis is affecting older BAME people whilst recognising “that there is considerable diversity within and across different communities.”

Second, culturally appropriate community provisions - including face-to-face services and informal spaces for older people to socialise - should be prioritised “with support provided by staff and volunteers who speak a range of languages to ensure that older people from different groups feel welcome and included.”

Third, based upon findings from the research, greater efforts are required from local and national government to recognise “that services must be culturally sensitive to help maintain the independence of older people, respecting their diverse identities and backgrounds.” The University of Manchester academics add: “This should involve face-to-face specialist advice around debt, finances, pensions and other benefits, tailored to the specific needs of various groups to counteract various forms of stigma.”

Professor Christopher Phillipson

And fourth, they write, “as the older population is set to become more ethnically diverse in the years ahead, tackling inequality should be a priority for national government.”  Specific policy ideas which have emerged from the group’s research include  support for the idea of establishing a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England “to ensure that the diverse range of voices in later life are championed,” developing a new race equality strategy “to prevent gaps in finances and health in later life widening further,” and applying a “race equality lens” to the government’s levelling up agenda “to acknowledge and address inequalities among different ethnic groups.”

The authors conclude in their piece: “These measures would enable central government to address structural inequality, support some of the most vulnerable households during the period of economic crisis and help the country to weather future national crises.”

‘The Unequal Impact of the Cost-of-Living Crisis’ by Dr Camilla Lewis, Dr Sophie Yarker and Professor  Chris Phillipson is available to read in full on the Policy@Manchester website